What if 'someday' was 'today'?
Million Dollar Mama Club ™ is developed exclusively for women by a successful entrepreneur (and mom!) who understands the definition of BUSY.
Our goal is clear: to help busy women that have big dreams take their first step into business.
We believe:
- You are DESIGNED & EQUIPPED to follow your dreams
- Your ideas have value
- Creating personal and financial freedom is achievable
We know…
…you are busy
…that time for yourself is a luxury
…that it is too easy to get stuck before you start
…that the people you love are the most important thing to you
A Place for Busy Women

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mama with a big idea or a professional that daydreams, we know that you are a BUSY WOMAN.
Joining the Million Dollar Mama Club ™ isn’t just an investment in yourself, its an investment in your future and the dreams you have for your family.

With Big Dreams

The Dream Biz Beginner Membership is intentionally PRACTICAL, FEMININE, FUN & FLEXIBLE. You set the pace based on your schedule.
Start at the beginning: we provide clear and simple steps forward to help you follow your dreams while living your real, day to day life.
No Business Experience Necessary...
I created the Million Dollar Mama Club ™ because I know first-hand that following your dream is a risk worth taking. Our Busy Moms, Big Dreams Beginner Membership gives you a place to stretch your entrepreneurial wings and, I hope, take flight.
Like every woman that makes that first exciting and scary decision to begin a business adventure, pursuing my dream of building a brand to support women in their creative pursuits took a lot of courage and unrelenting resolve. As I began pursuing my dream, I felt my creative energy soar. Instead of being tired of working so much, I found myself full of ideas and inspiration. I couldn’t stop talking and I couldn’t stop writing. And that is exactly how I created The Playbook, the exclusive resource that comes with your membership.
I believe that that if you have a dream for yourself, it is your duty to follow it.
I also believe that you are perfectly equipped to make your own dream a reality.
I hope you find both the inspiration and practical steps forward that you need to start your dream biz TODAY.
Following your dreams isn’t a luxury. It is a necessity to becoming the woman you were made to be.
With Love,